Ever feel like you’re faking the funk? Doubting your capability? Feeling like you’re something you’re not? Or down playing your success and accomplishments? I’ve got news for you, you are worthy and very much so capable. 

If there are days when you may feel like you’re playing a role that you’re not really sure you’re doing right, just take a moment. Realize where you are in life. You have done the work to get there, while you might feel like you really don’t know what you’re doing, guess again.. You DO! Because you wouldn’t be in the position that you are in the first place. You are highly skilled and deserve all the success you have and will continue to accomplish. 

When doubting yourself privately, you can feel less doubtful by jotting down a checklist of what you’ve accomplished and visually see for yourself. Celebrate all wins, big and small! Talking about it with an advisor/ mentor can also help relieve those feelings. Have this conversation out loud with someone and you will learn a lot. Realizing that you are not the only one can be an incredible relief. 

Build your confidence and choose not to operate in a space of fear. Try not to overthink, continue to do what you have in mind and don’t stop your momentum because you have to figure out all the pieces.

Imposter syndrome does not have to be thought of negatively. Here’s a different perspective. When manifesting your ideal goals, your ideal life, what you want your life or career to be. You should carry yourself as if you are already living the life/career status you wish to be at. What you put out in positivity, the universe will provide. Have a positive attitude and continue to fill your role as if you have everything under control. When you present yourself in such a way everyone around will really take that into admiration and motivation to be where you are. Truth is,  no one knows what they’re doing. They’re just doing it and figuring it out as they go. 

SO I leave you with this, if you have been thinking of launching a new business, learning a new skill set, going back to school, or leaping into a different direction in your career. Just do it… there is no one in the way but you.  

Mark 5:36 Do not fear, only believe. And if you’re looking for that mentor or support, look no further than Harvest Pursuit to help empower you to be the entrepreneur you were meant to be.

By: Maria Flores