There’s so much involved in starting a business. For one, our emotions when dealing with the highs and lows, all of the responsibilities, and the everyday challenges we face. There will be busy days, slow days, very productive days and others not so much, but all you have to do is continue to show up. Theres a few things we can do to continue the momentum.
Similar to having a tribe to help raise and care for your baby, in this instance, your business is your baby. It’s very important to have a group of people that have the right intentions and will keep it one hundred with you. When it comes to choosing your tribe, you want to make sure you have different dynamics. 1. Someone who’s outspoken and will tell it how it is 2. Someone that will be nurturing throughout the process 3. Business orientated. Your tribe does not have to be made up of a large group of people, small and reliable will do the job. You’ll find that your tribe will be made up of your family, close friends, or even a business consultant (Harvest Pursuit ;)). The beauty of life is you will connect with really good humans with all the right intentions and you’ll know who those individuals are.
There will be days where you may find yourself in a funk or burnt out and in these moments, it’s very important to take a step away. Take time for yourself to re-collect your ideas, do what re-energizes you and the motivation will be back to hustle mode. When stepping away, these are often the times you find yourself finding inspiration at random times of the day. Having a day out in the outdoors, going over to a friend’s house, reading one of your favorite books, or even asking for any recommended podcasts! It’s very eye opening when you find inspiration from a complete stranger, but it’s the day in time we are in today. There are so many outlets and free resources to keep us going. You just have to utilize them.
As you step away from the hectic days and as creative thoughts come to mind, write them down. If you don’t have a pen and paper, a quick text in your notes on your phone, a quick random email to yourself, nonetheless you are jotting it down. Sometimes it may not be ideas that you lack, it’s the urge of wanting to give up because you’re not getting the sales or growth you expected. Times like these will be the perfect opportunity to reach out to your tribe. One may nourish your feelings, another may have an idea to get those sales up and guess what happens? Your motivation will spark right back up.
If all has gone wrong and none of the above has worked, go back to your business plan. This is the beauty of having the business plan in place. Read through it and continue to show up. Write down 1 goal a day. Look at the upcoming 30 days and write down what your main priority is for that month. From there, write down 1 goal for every day that’s going to push you to reach your intended result for that month. When accomplishing this goal, check it off. For some of us, we find encouragement with the feeling of accomplishment when visually seeing the goal being completed. From there, do not stop. Keep showing up everyday! You got this.
By: Maria Flores