As a mom, working from home is the perfect fit for my life. As my kids have gone from the very hands-on, exhausting baby and preschool years to a more laid back semi-independent stage, my time is more my own now. My partner and I both work from home and the kids are homeschooled by us.

Working from home comes with many pros. No longer having a commute is at the top of my list. All the hours spent driving to work and multiple schools every day, I can finally claim as my own again. Being able to work from home has allowed me to homeschool both of my kids and seeing them thrive in this environment reaffirms that I made the right choice. We are also able to save a lot of money by working from home. What I spend on gas in a month now, I used to spend every three days. We are able to eat at home and make our own coffee, so not only are we saving money but we are able to spend those meals together as a family. 

The hardest part is scheduling it all. I know most moms can tell you we are busy. No matter the season of life on our path of motherhood, we all feel like there is never enough time. All of the different roles we take on to keep our household running, everyone fed, and loved. In addition to working and homeschooling, I also have three volunteer positions for my children’s extracurriculars. I use a bullet journal to keep up with it all. Without my to-do lists, something is going to be forgotten and someone will be disappointed. 

So how do we thrive? In truth nothing is ever 100% done, I can’t tell you the last time I fell asleep with a blank to do list, but that is okay! Working from home has allowed me to be able to be the parent that volunteers to homeschool my children. I get to spend my work time with my favorite people on this planet and not many get to say that. So even when the days are long and busy, I love this busy life. I love this season of my life, and I am soaking up the days with my partner and my boys.

By: Kate Haynes